Elective Courses

1. HSS

General Principles:

  • Keep as broad as possible (students have difficulties finding courses)
  • Advice to diversify, no restrictions set
  • Consult advisor if in doubt
  • Add courses from the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
  • Allow courses from research institutes:
    • Atatürk Institute For Modern Turkish History
    • Institute of Environmental Sciences
  • For MLE (Modern Language Elective) courses:
    • Same restriction as before (all in a sequence)
    • Advice to take advanced level if student graduate from an English, French,  German or Italian language high school
  • For HSS courses students should be made aware of large capacity options like EC 101, 102, PSY 101, SOC 101, HUM 101
  • Pass/fail courses cannot be taken as HSS courses
  • The minimum number of HSS electives that should be taken is 3. Additionaly in the following semesters a student should take HSS electives if he/she is not obligued to take AE courses, and does not prefer to take MLE (Modern Language Elective) courses
    • First Semester: AE 111/HSS/MLE
    • Second Semester: AE 112/HSS/MLE
    • Fourth Semester: HSS/MLE

2. Science Electives

General principles:

Currently few courses are counted as science electives (at CHEM, PHYS and BIO departments, basic science electives). Our suggestion is to broaden the range of courses in these areas. No specifics decided, but the main idea was that the students should have the chance to take anything unless it is trivially not suitable such as lab courses. We may expand the science elective list by including other courses offered from environmental sciences, cognitive sciences, industrial engineering, computer engineering, etc.

Some examples that are suggested to include in Science Elective list are:

CMPE 434: Introduction to Robotics
CMPE 462: Machine Learning
CMPE 480: Artificial intelligence
IE 350: Systems Science and Engineering

In order to graduate, the number of Science electives that should be taken is 2.

3. Unrestricted Electives

General Principles:

  • Could be from any department (including Mathematics)
  • Courses with PA code (2 credits) which are offered by the Department of Fine Arts are accepted as unrestricted electives. The rule is:
    • 2 PA courses = 1 unrestricted elective ,  3 PA courses = 2 unrestricted electives
    • More than 3 PA courses do not count as an elective.
  • In order to graduate, the number of Unrestricted electives that should be taken is 6.

4. Math Electives

General Principles:

  • Keep as broad as possible (students always asking for courses from other departments)
  • We included all courses offered by other departments counted as MATH elective in double major programs.
  • We reviewed the contents of elective courses offered by other departments and included the ones with suitable content:
    • Minimal overlap with content of courses offered by the Mathematics Department
    • Not only introducing mathematics as a tool but using non-trivial mathematics for applications in the respective field
    • Finite automata, languages, regular expressions
  • We also included graduate courses with suitable content
  • The departments offering courses with suitable content are:
    • Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    • Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
    • Physics
    • Economics
    • Philosophy
  • At most two courses from other departments can be taken as Math Electives.
  • In order to graduate, the number of Math electives that should be taken is 7.

Son Güncelleme: 14:18:24 - 19.06.2024