Double Major Program


Double Major Program (ÇAP) Application for 2023/2024 Spring semester:

Applications should be made between  25 June  2024  and 16 July 2024. You can reach ÇAP application form through the link:

Before making an application, make sure that you satisfy  all requirements  indicated below. After you maintain the signature of ÇAP advisor and the head of your department,  you should give your application form and your transcript (including the grades of all courses) to Mathematics Department Secretary. Additionally, we advise you to prepare a letter of intent (no longer than one page) and attach to  your application form.  

Mathematics department will make the decision after all application forms are collected. The application forms of those who get acceptance will be signed and provided to Executive Board of Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

Double Major Program in Mathematics Department


General:  University-wide regulations regarding double major programs can be found here.

Double Major Advisors:


Double Major Programs:

The curriculum of all double major programs, XXX-MATH  and MATH-XXX (for Math students) can be obtained below.  Note that these programs are recently revised and new applicants are subject to these versions. Those students who enrolled the double  major programs before the listed academic semesters are subject to the old programs and they must always contact CAP advisors for detailed information.


Information for New Applicants

MATH-XXX double major programsIn addition to  the university-wide regulations regarding  double major programs (here), MATH students who want to enroll  double major program in one of the departments listed above, must satisfy the requirements by  these departments. Please contact these departments for further information.

XXX-MATH Double Major Programs:

Eligibility criteria. In addition to  the university-wide regulations regarding  double major programs (here),  the following conditions must be satisfied by the applicants:

  • They must have passed MATH 101,102-201;
  • The weighed average of their grades on the MATH courses must be at least 3.25/4.00;
  • They must have not failed or repeated (even if DC/DD) any MATH courses.

If applicants do not satisfy the third condition, then they must take MATH 231 and get at least a BB before applying to the double major program. (There are no such substitutes for the first two conditions.)

Students who plan to apply to the double major program and have not taken MATH 201 are strongly advised to take MATH 221 instead of MATH 201. This will prepare them better for the double major program and will also increase the students chances to be accepted to the double major program.

Program requirements. Students who are accepted to the double majoring with Mathematics are required to take all of the courses listed in the double major program they are subject to.  Mainly, MATH courses that they have to take are divided into three groups:

  • Mass MATH courses (MATH 101-102-201-202);
  • Required MATH courses (MATH 111, 222, 231, 234, 323, 331, 338);
  • Elective MATH courses with codes 3xx or 4xx (Electives must be approved by the double major advisor for their suitability. In other words, not all MATH courses count as electives for a given double major program.)


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does the Department of Mathematics have a quota for double major students?
    No, there is no such upper bound on the number of double major students.
  • When can I apply to the double major program?
    The earliest you can apply is right before your third semester (if you have already passed MATH 201 or MATH 221). The latest you can apply is the first week of your fifth semester. The same rules apply to irregular students, too.
  • I am student of a department that is not listed above. Is there any way I can double major with Mathematics?
    Double major programs can be initiated only with the decision of the University Senate. Exceptions are not possible. If you are very passionate about mathematics, you might consider transferring to the Department of Mathematics or consider taking Math courses on the areas you are interested in (as long as you complete their prerequisites and you take consents from the lecturer).  CAP advisor might help you to make a road plan.
  • Is the GPA of a double major student computed separately for each major?
    No, a double major student has only one GPA. It is common for both majors.
  • What are the names, contents and prerequisites of the MATH courses that are required for completing the double major program?
    The codes of these courses are listed above. Please see the Departmental Course Catalogue for further information.
  • How should I place the MATH courses in my schedule? Which course should I take in which semester?
    This is one of the main challenges of being a double major student. Indeed, there will often be time conflicts between a required course of your original major and a required double major course. Apart from this, you might be an irregular student, take some courses during the Summer semester, or enroll in an Erasmus/Exchange program. Because of such factors, it is not meaningful for us to impose strict schedules for double major programs. Instead, we recommend that you meet with the double major advisor, especially during the registration week, to discuss these matters.
  • Can I take departmental MATH courses with codes 1xx or 2xx?
    Yes, you can take such courses (if there is no conflict of content with a course you have already taken), but they won't count as electives toward the requirement of the double major program.
  • Can a double major MATH course be also counted as a complementary (CC) or elective course for my original major program? In other words, is it possible to kill two birds with one stone?
    Yes, if a double major MATH course is accepted as a CC or elective for your original major program, then it will satisfy that requirement, too. However, its credit will of course be counted only once. Note that, in order to graduate, you have to complete  the minimum number of credits and ECTS as stated in the double major program you are subject to.
  • I have read these questions and their answers, but I have another question.
    In that case, please send an e-mail to the double major advisors.

Son Güncelleme: 04:32:57 - 24.06.2024