Nihat Sadık Değer

Ph.D. in Physics, Texas A&M University, 2001 

B.S. in Physics and Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, 1994

Araştırma Alanları: 

String/M Theory, Supergravity Theories.

Verdiği Dersler: 

2022-2023: Math 202, Math 58L, Math 478; 2021-2022: Math 202, Math 474, Math 575, Math 577; 2020-2021: Math 202, Math 58S, Math 575


*TÜBİTAK-1001: Supersymmetric Solutions of 3-dimensional Supergravities (116F137) - 2017 - 2020

*TÜBİTAK-1001: Three Dimensional Gauged Supergravities (113F034) - 2013 - 2016


Son Güncelleme: 16:32:15 - 13.01.2023